Classes for middle and high school students new to Latin, eager to study at a quicker pace
Compete in a variety of international contests from the fall term onward and build your academic resume for college by winning medals and honors. View past awards ≫
September 12 - November 20, 2022
2-hour online class meets once a week for 10 weeks
8-10pm (Korea)
4-6am (US West Coast)
7-9am (US East Coast)
4-6pm (Korea)
12-2am (US West Coast)
3-5am (US East Coast)
6-8pm (Korea)
2-4am (US West Coast)
5-7am (US East Coast)
Early Registration Deadline 5-10% Off Tuition
August 12, 2022
Registration Deadline
September 5, 2022
Register Now
There is a maximum of 8 students admitted per class with a waiting list available once a class is full. Book a consultation to get started ≫